Thursday, September 24, 2009

Mollie Katzen's Coming!

In case you haven't heard, Mollie Katzen, the creator of the original Moosewood Cookbook ( and other wonderful vegetarian cookbooks) is making an appearance right here at Wash U, in just a few weeks on October 6th.

She has a full day of events, opportunities for YOU (and you and you and you) to hear her speak/ get a book signed/ yes even meet her. So here it is...

Presentation: “How her cuisine has evolved and how the center of the plate has changed”

Time: 10:00 - 11:00am (with a booksigning to follow in the bookstore)

Place: Washington University Campus Store (campus bookstore)

Book Signing & Farmer's Market

Time: 12:30 - 2:30pm

Place: Edison Courtyard (bookstore will be selling books next to her)

and to top it all off....

The Burning Kumquat Farm Party with Mollie with casual meet & greet, farm tours, bluegrass music throughout the event

Time: 4:00 8:00pm (Mollie present until 6pm only)

5:00pm – Iron Chef Raw Food Competition with the Burning Kumquats!

Place: The Burning Kumquat!!

So come on down, and learn about the food you eat. Music, food, and good times to follow!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Here's an article about the importance of urban gardens in the current economy.