Sunday, July 26, 2009

markets world wide

Focused as we are in the St. Louis farmers' market scene, it's easy to forget how widespread they are. Some are thriving here, others aren't doing so hot. Halfway across the globe, community residents and artists are collaborating to turn their vision of what a market should be into a reality:

Free kitchens where community entrepreneurs can try out their own value-added products? How awesome is that?

Thursday, July 23, 2009

hello again

KUMQAUTS! It's been so long, but I've stumbled across more garden-related internet love and wanted to disseminate the info...

the urban field guide : a good blog with some simple garden inspiration. growing potatoes in shopping carts? radical gardening? yes, please.

another interesting but less logical site is yes we can food
it's based in san francisco, and you can buy seasonal fruits and vegetables that they can, but REALLY, everyone should just can their own...